Critical care nursing is one of the most in-demand fields of nursing. To attain a nursing degree, it is necessary for students to submit a dissertation. We offer a list of critical care nursing dissertation topics to help you in impressing your supervisor. You can also explore the adult nursing dissertation topics to get more ideas.
We have compiled a list of critical care nursing dissertation topics, which are both important as well as workable. We can further help with your project by doing dissertation writing on your selected research topic on critical care nursing.
List of Critical Care Nursing dissertation topics
Examining the role of critical care nurses in palliative care.
A comparative review of the literature related to intensive care readmission.
The experience of communication difficulties in critically ill patients in intensive care.
A review of the nurses’ experience of caring for critically ill patients.
A comparative analysis of the private and national healthcare systems in the UK.
The aim of intensive and critical care nursing in the field of healthcare.
Clinical management techniques and methods used by the nurses to help patients in critical care.
Examining the strategies of management and care for patients affected with chronic and acute pain.
Studying the issue of AIDs and social stigma attached to it.
The challenges of non-verbal communication while dealing with a special category of patients.
The role of telephonic consultation in primary care.
Examining whether the nurses should be allowed to prescribe medicines in critical care units?
A literature review on the conceptual model of critical care nursing.
The importance of educating critical care nurses on moral distress.
Studying the causes of burnout in critical care nursing staff.
To explore the effective management of exposure keratopathy developed in intensive care units.
Interventions for the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections in intensive care units.
To study the importance of alarm setting for critically ill patients.
An intervention study in the intensive care unit focusing on the lighting, sleep, and circadian rhythms.
The importance of developing professional habits in intensive care settings.
Assessing and evaluating the caring behaviours of critical care nurses.
The importance of educating nurses related to the safety of critically ill patients.
Strategies used by nurses to create a healing impact on the critical care patients.
Exploring the open visitation in the intensive care unit – nurses’ perspective.
Identifying ways to prevent central line infections among hemodialysis patients based on knowledge and practices of nurses according to the guidelines.
Topic With Mini-Proposal (Paid Service)
Along with a topic, you will also get;
- An explanation why we choose this topic.
- 2-3 research questions.
- Key literature resources identification.
- Suitable methodology with identification of raw sample size, and data collection method
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